New York University
New York University
Organization Location
New york,
United States
Grant Location
United States
Beneficiary Group
Adolescents and young adults (15-24 yrs.)
Organization Website
The grant supports the exhibit “Time and Cosmos in Greco-Roman Antiquity”, which will provide the public (through an exhibition, catalogue and public programs) with a comprehensive picture of the contributions of Greek and Roman societies to our current understanding and measurement of time. Founded in 2007 as a semi-autonomous entity within New York University (NYU), the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW) embraces research and graduate education in the history, archaeology, and culture of the entire ancient world, from late prehistoric times to the eighth century CE. ISAW encompasses a doctoral program, a Visiting Research Scholar program, several archaeological field projects, a substantial and growing library, a portfolio of important digital projects, a highly visible and successful exhibition program, and well-attended academic events open to the public.