Who decides Africa’s climate future? Bloomberg Media Initiative Africa journalists weigh in at CSIS bootcamp

Seven of the ten countries deemed most at risk from climate change are in Africa, yet little funding for research on how to adapt to and mitigate its impacts goes to researchers on the continent.
The latest multimedia story produced through the intensive weeklong Journalism Bootcamp at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, DC, calls for African voices to be centered in climate conversations. The longform piece was produced by a team of veteran journalists who work across a variety of media that was assembled through Bloomberg Media Initiative Africa.
Read Shaping Africa’s Climate Future, produced in collaboration with CSIS’s Dracopoulos iDeas Lab, which was created in 2011 with support from SNF Co-President Andreas Dracopoulos.
The Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) supports the CSIS Journalism Bootcamp: Reporting on International Affairs, which has also welcomed cohorts from universities around the United States and Greece. In 2018, SNF partnered with Bloomberg to help expand the Bloomberg Media Initiative Africa’s Financial Journalism Training Program, which works with journalists to build familiarity with capital markets, public policy, and economics and develops skills in data analysis, accounting, and reporting. The Bloomberg Media Initiative Africa, of which the Financial Journalism Training program is the centerpiece, looks to enhance reporting capacity as a way to encourage accountability and sound governance.