The SNFCC Visitors Center announces the new programming which will take place at the Visitors Center until the end of the year
Dedicated to serving as a creative meeting point and an information and entertainment hub for citizens, the Visitors Center, during its first year of operation, hosted more than 70 events, which brought the public even closer to the SNFCC.
These events were part of the series of free cultural events and educational seminars entitled “Scope of Activities – Meeting Points”, which will be renewed for the second year of the Visitors Center operation.
In addition to the events included in its schedule, the Visitors Center remains flexible in order to reach as many visitors as possible, and give them a first taste of its future operation. Thus, in September 2014, it accepted the proposal of the Free Day cycling team and welcomed 1,000 cyclists during their overnight journey through the city.
Up until December 2014, the “Scope of Activities – Meeting Points” program will include monthly themed events that openly interact with the SNFCC and act as heralds for the services that the project will provide to the citizens. The content of these new events is characterized by diversity, and the shared basic aim of appealing to a wider audience with various interests and different information and entertainment requirements.
In that context, and up until the end of the year, the Visitors Center will host events that will include:
•Cultural activities for the general public, for actors, theatrologists, psychologists, psychoanalysts and people recovering from addictions (drama seminars, expressive dance and movement events, opera performances, musical events, photography exhibitions, documentary screenings)
•Events for children and teenagers (creative construction workshops, storytelling, comics workshops, educational theater)
•Technology events for the general public (three-dimensional printing, painting and design workshops, with the use of new technologies)
•Scientific meetings for the general public
•Educational, technical and architectural seminars for educators in primary, secondary and tertiary education, for students, professionals and architects
•Multisensory workshops for people with visual impairments
Entry to the Visitors Center and attendance of the above events is free for the public.
The full schedule of events for October-December 2014 can be found on the SNFCC website, and on the official SNFCC page on Facebook.