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A Q&A with Greek Diaspora Fellowship Program alumnus Panayotis Kevrekidis

May 01, 2023

Panayotis Kevrekidis, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst

Why were you interested in connecting with your host university in Greece?

“The opportunity to contribute even minimally to scientific research in Greece by collaborating with host universities there has been of particular interest to me ever since I started my research career. Some of my most exciting and enjoyable collaborations have stemmed from this effort and I was delighted to have the opportunity to renew them through this program.”

How did participating in the program change your own scholarship, research, or teaching?

“Participation in the program paved new directions of research with both of my hosts in Athens and Ioannina, allowed me to collaborate with junior researchers (such as PhD students) there and the influence of the resulting research directions is ongoing.”

What lasting connections did you form through your fellowship?

“I already had a long-lasting connection with the University of Athens (my undergraduate alma mater). However, I have now formed a strong connection also with the University of Ioannina and expect to revisit it and collaborate with researchers there, as well as hopefully forge further exchanges therewith.” 

Would you encourage a colleague to participate in a program like the GDFP? Why?

“Absolutely! This is a first-rate program and an excellent opportunity scientifically and professionally, as well as more broadly (culturally etc.). In addition to its prestige and efficient coordination, the program is an excellent vehicle for creating and nurturing lasting collaborations with research groups and departments in Greece.”

What do you see as the value of international exchange like this?

“I am a big fan of such international exchanges. I have spent extensive visits e.g., in Heidelberg (funded from the Humboldt Foundation), or Oxford (funded from the Leverhulme Trust) and genuinely believe that such a funding opportunity is indispensable towards ensuring Greece’s strong outward research ties, enhancing its international presence and fostering an extroverted research perspective and agenda for the future of the country.”