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The accessibility statement is a public information page that communicates internal organizational policies, accessibility goals, and the effort made to serve people with disabilities. An accessibility statement signals a digital product's compliance with anti-discrimination laws and international accessibility standards. 

This statement applies to content on the domain

Compliance Level:
Partially compliant with the AA standard of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 

Date: 10/2023

Accessibility Study:  theUXProdigy

Pages under testing: All pages located in the domain have been checked. 

Description: The study focuses on strengthening and upgrading the quality of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) site with an emphasis on issues of digital accessibility and improving the user experience. The main goal concerns the compliance of a large percentage of the content of according to international digital accessibility standards and more specifically WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) 2.1.

Basic stages of the study:

  1. Accessibility audit conducted by digital accessibility experts (Accessibility Audit). Held in 2 rounds.
  2. Remediation phase: It is about fixing the problems found in the accessibility audits. It was carried out in 2 rounds following the Accessibility audits.
  3. Final accessibility audit by digital accessibility experts (Accessibility Audit).

Issues Resolved:  Thirty (30)

Issue Severity:

  • Sixteen (16) critical. These are problems that do not allow the user to access content or functions of a page.
  • Eleven (11) serious. These are problems that cause confusion to the user while navigating a page.
  • Three (3) moderate. These are problems that focus on improving the user experience when navigating a page. 

Assessment: During the various checks by the accessibility experts, problems were found that made some of the content inaccessible. Based on the results of the study and suggestions for remediation of accessibility issues, these problems have largely been resolved and is now accessible to a wide range of users regardless of disability.

Validity: The accessibility statement concerns the domain and the version that existed on the date of completion (October 2023). It is valid from 10/2023 and for one year or until the next version of the website. If there are significant changes or redesigns of the pages, a new certification study will be required.

Contact:  In order for us to improve the accessibility of the website, you can contact our website team at: [email protected] to communicate the problems you are experiencing or request access to information or documents that are not accessible.